Taking care of plants in the garden can be an excellent project to develop with our children. It can also be an activity to eliminate stress and stimulate creativity, as some scientific research suggests. Being outside and gardening can help kids to control the temper, burn off extra energy, develop stronger immune system, stimulate the appetite, improve the ability to focus and capacity to manage information and react to situations.
No matter if you don’t have a large garden at home, you can probably achieve the same beneficial effect by having some plants inside the house. Outside or not, when children learn the life cycle process they develop an environmental awareness that is essential for their construction as a conscious human being that lives in a planet and a great ecosystem shared with animals, plants and other important resources in perfect balance. Also gardening is a great way to teach kids where food is coming from and the dedication, time and effort that it takes.
If you have the privilege of having a garden, the most important thing is that must be a sunny area, where children can have their own space to start and decide what will be grown. To ensure the safety of the smallest ones, there are special tools in the specialized stores. The space must be a place of exploring, independence and adventure more than a structured center of learning.
Some tips and ideas for your kids to start enjoying small projects in the garden:
- Choose those plants your kids love to grow, those that have strong smells, are easily recognizable or grow quickly as lettuce or tomatoes
- Transform your garden in a creative place full of color, forms and funny activities where children can learn by discovering.
- Create a calendar with hours, activities and responsibilities for your children.
- Teach your kids how are the plants from different countries and continents and how gardening could change depending on the zone of the planet and the seasons
- Build a compost area and start composting the vegetable and fruit scraps from lunches and teach your kids how plants are fed
- Select seeds of vegetables and fruits from the kitchen that children can plant in egg cartons and after take to the garden
- Collect soils from different spots and teach your kids to compare texture, color, and how they absorb water
- Emphasize in the importance of water for the life of all living beings, teach the youngest to appreciate this vital resource
- Do not leave your children alone using gardening tools even if you have purchased those that seem harmless and appropriate to your children’s age
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