The oral hygiene is important for the human being, it is related to the general well being, self esteem, communication and personal relationships. It is necessary to teach our children to take care of their teeth and practice good habits, they are patterns of behavior that help children to get structure, organization and knowledge about the correct caring of their body. However, the kid´s dental care starts with the pregnancy, in that special phase, teeth begin to form, so the mother must have a balanced diet, full of vitamins and minerals. Also it is crucial that the mother has personal good habits of oral hygiene, is she cares about herself, she will be a good example for her family.
Usually first teeth begin to break through the gums at about 6 months of age although it may vary among children. A toddler (1 to 3 years) gets 20 primary teeth that will be lost between the ages of 6 and 11 and that will be replaced by permanent ones between 12 and 21. Teeth are going to be with the person the whole life so we must teach our children to take care of them, but how? When we should take our children to the dentist? It is healthy to wipe the baby’s gums? May breastfeeding help to build a better bite? The use of a pacifier and thumbsucking, may affect alignment of the teeth or malocclusion? There are many doubts around this ¨dental¨ topic. Here are some tips to manage it:
Experts recommend that the first visit to a dentist should be at 12 months of age or when the first teeth appear. At that time, a specialist can evaluate future dental problems. It is also very helpful an exam of the parents and their dental history, genes may influence the future development of the dentition. Other problems caused by diseases or injuries could need an extra pediatric dentist opinion.
Good brushing habits start early, even before your baby has teeth. Using water and a washcloth you can gently brush his gums. Then, when the first teeth appear you can brush them softly with an infant toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste specially designed for babies. The frequency depends on many factors but it is obligatory brush the teeth before bedtime and after that the child should avoid any food or drink until the next morning.
Probably the child is going to try to brush his teeth by himself but he will be able do it properly at the age of 7 when motors skills are developed and he can focus on the appropriate movements. Parents should monitor this simple but important task. A key thing to consider is the amount of fluoride toothpaste on the toothbrush; at the age of 3, the best is the size of a grane of rice, and after that (4 years or more) a pea size amount of it. But in any case children must learn not swallow the paste. About brushing motion what is really important is to clean each tooth and eliminate the remains of food from the mouth.
[powr-price-table id=f53511c8_1486044323318]About the daily diet, limit the consumption of juices and sweets. Only give sugary drinks and foods to your children at mealtimes. Sugar is the enemy of teeth and is the origin of cavities. Make sure to brush your child’s teeth after a sugary item. Regarding fluoride, this mineral can strengthen tooth and help prevent tooth decay, so make your child drink water and eat food that contents it.
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