Feeding is one of the principal tasks of the human being to be able to live and to develop. As we consume better products, the performance of our muscles and organs will be ideal. In the case of children to choose suitable products is really important, since they are little persons in continuous growth, whose cells divide and multiply intensively day by day and need constant contributions of energy. The age is determinant to include certain types of food, due to the fact that the teeth are appearing and this way the mastication extends the quantity of foodstuffs kids can consume.
From early age the good habits of nutrition must be inculcated in children so they will develop as adults who feed healthily. Elements of all types must be considered: vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates, fats, proteins and minerals. The most important thing is to assume this as a normal practice, to understand that to eat healthy food must be a way of life and not an obligation. For that, the example of the parents is the best tool of teaching. It is useless if a mother forces his son to eat a salad and she doesn’t eat it.
An agreeable environment is a condition necessary for a pleasant food. The child must feel comfortable, seated in a clean place. The cleanliness is fundamental (chairs, tables and utensils to use). The best is to have a fixed schedule to eat, in order that the child gets used to have a routine and dedicates enough time to feed. Parents should let children use forks, knives, plates, cups and glasses of any material, so they get use to carefully manipulate these things. It is also important that kids participate in cooking and other small tasks as washing fruits, slice, cut and stir. In this kind of activities they also can learn to use the water properly and efficiently and improve some motor skills.
At the supermarket the challenge is selecting the healthier products, without chemicals and huge quantities of sugar. The water is preferable as beverage more than juices or sodas. And vegetables are better options than meats. Vegetables are more versatile, there are delicious and nourishing plates made with them. Undoubtedly they must to be present at the table every day, and also fruits. In the case of children, parents should never force them to taste some food. The best way to convince them is to present attractive and funny dishes full of colors and flavors. Some tips can be useful:
- Sweets and pastries are not prohibited food, children can consume them in moderate quantities and in special occasions.
- Fruits and vegetables must be on the table every day, they provide vitamins, minerals and fiber to the body. Take advantage of the fruits of season, they are cheaper and will be always fresh.
- Dairy products are necessary, they provide calcium to the bones. There are many options: milk, cheese, yogurt and ice creams.
- Avoid the use of fats as oils and margarines, they are artificial and have a very negative effect on the body.
- Carbohydrates are necessary for the muscles; breads, spaghetti, cereals, rice, potatoes and others are used by the brain as an energy source.
- Keep your children hydrated, preferably with water. The amount of it that a child needs is influenced by the amount of activity he does.
- Fast food or unhealthy snacks should be eliminated as options of reward to children.
- Healthy eating habits must be combined with physical activity, thus children can develop their muscular mass and fortify their bones.
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