When winter comes and temperature changes it is common children get red noses, coughing, headache, loss of appetite, fatigue and in some cases mild fever. Cold and flu are unwanted guests in the fall and winter but are unpleasant events that help to built immunity up, so be patient and try to keep in mind some tips and recommendations.
The cold is caused by viruses and kids can catch it from family members, playmates or caregivers by direct contact (kissing, touching or holding hands) or touching something infected such as toys, glasses or other things, some germs can stay on surfaces for many hours.
Typical cold symptoms include runny or stuffed-up nose and sneezing, headache, mild sore throat, loss of appetite, mild fever, coughing and even fatigue. But in that case children are healthy enough to play and keep up their daily routines. However it depends on the kid, so parents must be alert to all the signals and symptoms. It may be necessary to call the doctor especially in the case of babies under six months that can find hard to breathe or swallow or have fever, cough so bad, are much sleepier than usual or don’t want to feed or play.
If your child has the typical symptoms and you know that is undoubtedly a cold:
- Be prepared for at least 8 days of care, colds usually last about 1-2 weeks.
- Keep your child hydrated do not force him to eat what he does not want.
- Constantly check your child’s temperature, a temperature greater than 38.5°C is fever and before giving him any medicine, ask your doctor.
- Talk to your doctor before giving drugs or medicines to children and do not give more than is recommended.
- Make sure your child gets enough sleep, remember that his immune system is fighting against viruses.
- Teach him how to expulse mucus from the chest, encouraging him to cough.
- Remember that your kid can go to school if he feels well but if doesn’t, let him to rest at home.
- Keep your home clean. Viruses are so resistant and are spread on toys, TV remotes, keys and other things in the house.
And to prevent getting a cold:
- After coughing, wash your hands if you are sick or after being in contact with someone who has a cold. Teach your children to do so.
- As much as it is possible, keep children and babies under 3 months old away from sick people.
- Teach your children to cover their mouth when they cough.
- Avoid sharing things that have been in contact with infected people.