Gables Montessori Blog


For Montessori, manual labour and manual gymnastics are not the same but they are connected. The object of manual gymnastics is to exercise the hand and perfects the individual. In manual labour the focus is to accomplish a determinate work, being, or simulating, a socially useful object, its function is to enrich the world. She considered that to make the children copy anything, direct them to produce useful things or giving them clay to fashion in their own manner served for the study of spontaneous manifestations and not for their education.

Montessori decided to try some exercises accomplished by an artist, Professor Randone in the “School of Educative Art” founded by him. The practice was based on educating youth in gentleness towards the surroundings, that is, in respect for objects, buildings, monuments: a really important part of civil education. Professor Randone created the “School of Educative Art” inspired by a broad artistic conception including the reproduction of objects which are commonly met in the surroundings. One of these objects was the vase, once the glory of Italy and of Florence in the potter’s art.

The importance of the vase is very great. The first food of mankind was cooked in a vase, and also it was a sacred symbol connected with temples in many cultures as the Egyptian, Etruscan and Greek. The history of the vase follows the history of humanity itself. Besides, it is adaptable to every modification of form and susceptible to the most diverse ornamentation. For this special characteristic, Randone choose the vase as a piece for teaching, that can be modified according to the individual inspiration. Another work in the School of Educative Art was the manufacture of diminutive bricks, their baking in the furnace, and the construction of diminutive walls.

These ideas were taken by Montessori as manual training in the “Children’s Houses”. In the case of vases, after two or three lessons the little pupils were already enthusiastic about the construction of clay. In the case of bricks, children found very amusing constructing walls, placing brick on brick, superimposing row on row, to the construction of real houses with the corresponding windows and doors and ornaments in their facades, little tiles manufactured by the children.  Thus the children learned to appreciate the objects and constructions which surround them, while a real manual and artistic labour give them profitable exercise.

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One of the principles of Montessori education is that school is not the place in which teacher transmits knowledge, but the place where intelligence and the psyche of the child are developed through a free work with specialized training materials. In other words, the classroom is the space in which a child decides what knowledge he wants to achieve and how he wants to do it.

Maria Montessori argued that each individual had to do things for himself, because otherwise he would never learn them. According to her, “an educated person continues learning after hours and years spend in a classroom, because is internally motivated by a natural curiosity, as well as the love of learning”.

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How much food is good for your child?

Babies and young children can be allowed to eat the right amount as long as you only give them access to healthy foods. Babies cry to let us know they are hungry and when they are full they stop eating. Things get complicated at 2 or 3 years when children begin to prefer the taste of certain foods and reject others, in addition to having much variability in how hungry they feel. You may worry that your child eats very little, children tend to eat the same amount of calories every one or two days, but the pattern of calorie consumption may vary from day to day. One day a child could eat a lot at breakfast, a lot at lunch and almost nothing at dinner. The next day, the same child could eat very little at breakfast, but he could eat a lot at lunch and dinner. Do not expect your child to eat the same amount of food at each meal and each snack every day.

What happens if there are bad eating habits? This can lead to low weight or overweight. Poorly fed children have a weaker immune system, which increases their chances of disease. A child’s poor eating habits can increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, type  2 diabetes or high cholesterol later in life.

Help and support your child’s healthy eating habits as follows:

• Eat together as a family as often as possible. Make family meals a pleasant and positive moment. Avoid making comments about the amount or type of food your child eats. The pressure to eat actually reduces children’s acceptance of new or different foods.

• Choose healthy foods for your family’s meals. Children notice the selections you make and follow their example.

• Make meal times predictable. Eat at approximately the same time every day and always at the table, even for refreshments.

• Have meals often enough (for example, every 3 hours for young children) so your child does not feel very hungry.

• Outside of talking and enjoying time together, do not do anything else during meals: no television or other distractions.

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Although there is no definitive cure for the complaint or the common cold, antibiotics help fight bacterial infections, but they have no effect on viruses. Here are some practical tips to take care of your child during the flu season:

– Ideally parents should help their children feel comfortable, make sure they get more rest and drink plenty of water.

– The child’s doctor can consult your child or ask him to show you the nearest, if there is no improvement and a trusted pediatrician.

– Salt water nasal drops or saline help to release the nasal passages, as well as constant oxygen flow. You can apply between 1 or 2 drops in each nostril, this with the supervision of a specialist.

– Humidifier, also known as vaporizer, can help keep nasal secretions more moist and allow your child to breathe better. Place it in the room near your child Be sure to clean and dry the humidifier very well to avoid contamination with bacteria or mold.




– For children from 5 to 11 years old, with a teaspoon of honey.

– For children over 5 years old.

– Menthol ointments: rub a little on the chest or the front of the neck.


Last but not least, remember to give your child fruits and juices rich in vitamin C to help your immune system to rest its defenses and combat the complaint.


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The Montessori methodology agrees that, in order to attend a camp, any age in children is good, and when they are independent, they get more out of this experience. As a general rule, the first three days involve a period of adaptation, new friends, recognition of the area, different routines, meals, bedtime … everything changes.

Some children will find it harder than others to adapt but it is normal, in a few days they will feel in their space, although many parents choose summer camps with the idea of reinforcing their knowledge, the main subject will be coexistence. So, the best thing is not to worry about learning because of the fact that they learn science, art, etc. it is something that comes in addition if the children are enjoying the camp.

In Montessori summer camps, the mission is to have fun, share and carry out recreational activities that allow each child to develop their potential. For Montessori Gables every child is important, so we offer a program of activities and fun that includes:

• Arts and crafts.

• Science projects.

• Outdoor games.

• Aquatic game.

This school year ends soon, summer camp registration is open now, the camp begins on June 10 and ends on August 2nd. We will wait for you! More information HERE

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The potential of each child

One of the characteristics that has defined the Montessori Method, created by the Italian Maria Montessori at the beginning of the TWENTIETH century, was that each child could release the potential that it possesses in some activity, while being integral in terms of other areas or knowledge . Of Course, it is intended to teach young children, with tasks and values that they can carry out from an early age and that molded or instructed them in some way in the process of becoming adults.

Within the classroom, there must be a suitable environment for the child to feel confident and free to learn, a place where they practice affection, respect and discipline, where in turn the didactic materials available to them choose , thanks to his own interest. Seeing in this way that the child possesses in itself the capacities to go building himself. The father or teacher is nothing more than a guide, a person who will provide you with the tools for your learning.

Thanks to the environment where you will be given the freedom to choose, you will facilitate the knowledge of reading and writing on a par with certain rules and limits, that are only the observation towards that which interested them and the respect towards the activities of other companions , those little efforts that will be very significant in their formation.

While they are being instructed in general knowledge, as the aforementioned, at the time of these completed, if they want to play, draw, or carry out another activity, they are in the freedom to do so, since if it is their will, that must be respected.

They Will Have a moment to share and to know integral tools, that will help them throughout their lives, at the same time they will be given the opportunity to learn for themselves, to create independence and also to choose that they like, that they want to do to To develop its potential in terms of this activity or task. Pushing them, and encouraging them is only our duty.





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